
Showing posts from August, 2024

Shoots and Roots

A couple of weeks ago my grandson Alfie and I planted courgette seeds in a tray, watered them, then covered them with clingfilm before finally putting them on my kitchen windowsill. There were few signs of growth over the coming days. I then went on holiday for a long weekend and to my surprise upon my return the seeds had not just sprouted but amazingly were growing abundant and strong. They were so strong and large that I was able to pot them on and put them outside in the greenhouse! Sometimes we don't see or understand the work God is doing in our lives. But if we are consistently reading God's word, spending time with God in prayer, cultivating our relationship with God and our fellow believers then we will experience spiritual growth. Sometimes our growth might seemingly be slower than others but if we are consistent then we will experience times of abundant growth and fruitfulness — blessing not just us but God's Kingdom.    Prayer:   Creator God, Fill us with a desi