Manna from Heaven

Manna from heaven. Wouldn't that be handy!

No trip to the supermarket, no trolley, no loading, unloading, putting away –

just gather it up and eat it. The original fast food.

But it is weird.

The Israelites' journey is full of surprises.

Pillars of fire and cloud.

The Red Sea parted to make a dry path.

Bitter water made sweet.

Now there are quails and manna falling from heaven.

Every day, something new, something fresh.




God of the journey,

One more step along the world we go,

every day something new, something fresh.

What will today bring?

I have looked at my diary, and I have a plan for the day.

But you may have something else for me.

Probably not quails for dinner, but something equally surprising?

Then again, why should I be surprised?

You have my life's journey in your plan.

I may miss a turning, or persist on a long shortcut,

but you know better.

God of my journey,

give me grace to trust your plan,

and to look forward to each new fresh morning.



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