God in your life

In the vast expanse of human history, there is only one point of contact with the Lord of this history : the present moment. It is through the door of the present moment that God enters into your life, and it is through you that He enters into the life of the world. However, God will not step through that door unless you open it up to Him.
Each moment is an annunciation in your life, but you can only respond to God's call if you're there to hear it. 
When you respond to the call the Son is once more made flesh; this time in you.
When you respond to His call, as manifested in the work in hand, you allow the Father to further the work of creation which is carried on in the Son of God.
If you respond to His call by giving your all, within the context of the present moment, you are allowing the Son to carry out His work of redemption in the world.


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