Hurry Up and Wait

"What will we do with our spare time"?

That thought was the heart of an essay published in 1930 by the economist John Maynard Keynes. In it Keynes proposed that within a hundred years, technological and economic advances would bring humans to a point where we would need to work no more than 15 hours a week!

It has been more than 90 years for this to come to fruition. However, technology, instead of creating mire leisure, has made us busier than ever. Our days are and, while everyday tasks like travel and meal preparation take less time we're still in a hurry.

One striking incident David's life shows us how to stay steady in this perceived need for haste. When David  was fleeing from King Saul (who was trying to kill him), he asked the King of Moab, "would you let my father and mother come and stay with you until I learn what God will do for me"? (1 Samuel 22:3). David had his hands full. He was trying to escape Saul's murderous pursuits at the same time as providing for his family. But, even in his hurry, he took his time to wait on God.

When life's frenetic pace sweeps us along, we can trust the One who can keep us in His peace (Isaiah 26:3). David's prescient words provide reassurance. "Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord" (Psalm 27:14).

"You are my calm in every rush, Father. Thank You for giving me Your peace as I continue to trust You.  


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