When was the last time that you were stopped in your tracks by something which filled you with awe? I imagine that, around Jesus, such incidents happened fairly regularly. Of course, often the feelings aroused rather than awe (at least on the part of the authorities) were outrage and anger as Jesus defied convention and took liberties with the rules. As always, however, he has an answer for his critics and puts them firmly in their place. "Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?" proving that it's his power and not the form of words which give life and health.

I have a four year old granddaughter who lights up my life. I am privileged to spend part of every week with her and, even more than with my own children, I am struck by the sheer miracle of her. Her personality and character – so new to this world. Her learning and development — so rapid and engaging. Her joy in life – so simple, unaffected, delighted in very simple things. Her child's view of the world – so unique, unspoiled, enlightening, and arresting. I am in awe.

Perhaps if we had eyes to see we would see miracles all around us, be stopped in our tracks on a daily basis, and end each day thinking, 'we have seen strange things today' as we look with the eyes of faith to see the wonder of life.




Lord, we praise you for your wild disregard

for the petty rules and regulations of humanity

and your life-giving, life-enhancing power.

We praise you for the daily miracles which surround us

to enrich our lives and bring us joy.

Give us eyes to see, ears to hear,

and hearts to understand the new things you do every day.

May we be inspired by the beauty of your rebelliousness

against all that constrains and hinders,

seeing with the clarity and acceptance of a child

that we may be stopped in our tracks

by the wonder of life with you, Amen


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